Friday, December 25, 2009

Toddler Skin Problems Body/hair Wash For Toddler With Sensitive Skin?

Body/hair wash for toddler with sensitive skin? - toddler skin problems

I have a son aged two very dry sensitive skin. His arms and legs are usually worse, they develop characters, red on them. Sometimes, back and face is too dry, but rather a dry, scaly skin. She has scabs bath / film. We went to the doctor and not typical of eczema, contact dermatitis called and offered the bathroom every two days and Dove Body Wash to be used. So we gave him a chance, your skin is not better, worse, but not. My problem is that his hair is very thin and Dove moisturizer int wash your hair super thick and can be difficult. Does anyone wash proposals for a different kind of body and hair can try?
We have tried to Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo and of course in the brown bottle, baby (fruits and passions, not hydrated, but the flavor and blew), Gerber (again natural), Aveeno (type of toilet) Dove (Unscented) ... I think that's all ... I am tired of buying products, and we can not be usedFinish the gift. Any ideas suggestions would be great! Thank you a bunch!

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