Saturday, February 13, 2010

Used Polaroid How Can A Single Polaroid Filter Be Used To Show That The Sky Is Partially Polarized?

How can a single Polaroid filter be used to show that the sky is partially polarized? - used polaroid

Look into the sky and put a filter between the eye and the sky. Then turn to the filter (priority of his side to the other eye) what you are looking for. If the amount of light changes (it should), then the sky must be polarized. Only along the polarization axis oriented light passes through the filter. So, when the sky is polarized, it is a filter in the light leading consulting and other guidance (90 degrees to the first), which has not happened. When the sky is not linearly polarized, then in each axis to pass exactly half of the light and the other half not, without regard to any guidance filter. When the sky is completely polarized in one direction and then the light will not happen, and get all the other light. When the sky is partially linearly polarized, tHen something light is always happening, but the guides may be more light. That's what you should do.

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